Caprice Gardens And Beyond

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I’ll take a dime bag please

Here at Caprice Gardens, we grow a lot of different things, depending on what time of year it is. There is nothing quite like that first juicy bite of fresh tomato picked right from the garden each year, or that sweet watermelon cooled in the branch just like my grandmother used to do. We have it all, fruits, vegetables, herbs, microgreens and the list goes on. But there are some other things produced here at the gardens that people might not often think about.

Give and Take

For example, our bunnies produce a LOT of fertilizer every single day. We feed them all the vegetable scraps from our garden and they deliver almost a pound of fertilizer back for us each day. They give as much as they receive.

We have guinea pigs that do the exact same thing and are absolutely adorable too. We have so much joy watching them all and playing with them.

Oh and the chickens, we love our chickens. They also love our vegetable scraps. Plus they are constantly running around the garden doing pest control like little maniacs, especially the silkies. They are sooo fun to watch and the sweetest little things on earth. And yes, their poop is gold too when it comes to fertilizer. Theirs just takes longer to break down and must be composted first but its all about the process. What they lack in quickness they make up for in daily breakfast delivery! Oh the eggs! The beautiful, colorful, delicious eggs! And yes, their poop goes right into the compost bin to be utilized later.

Poop on it

So, what do we do with all the poop? We use it in our gardens so we can produce the best quality fruits, vegetables and flowers without the use of any chemicals or harmful products of any kind. Everything is just rotated and cycled through just as God intended it to be.

Nickel and Dime Bags

We also sell it. Which is what led me to a very interesting conversation earlier today. I was explaining how we sell our bags of our own special mixture from our garden to other people that also want to grow a chemical-free bountiful harvest of their own. I was explaining how we sell it in $5 bags and $10 bags. She said, I’ll take a dime bag please. We both laughed and my mind and heart were suddenly filled with another epiphany. (They happen often out there in our little garden oasis.)

The way she said that made me think about drugs and how so many people sell drugs the same way we sell this by product, at least that is how I have heard them say it on TV. It really made me stop and think for a moment. I shared with her my thoughts and now I want to share them with you as well.

Where does all the crap in your life come from and go?

I feel like drugs basically come from Satan while bunny ( and etc.) poop was created and designed by God. So a "dime bag" of something from Satan absolutely destroys lives and kills people all over the world every single day. However, a "dime bag" of something from God helps people grow amazingly healthy food that will feed their entire families with good, nutritious, delicious food straight from God Himself without any chemicals or anything bad in it at all.

To me, this is yet another perfect example of how God shows up in our lives and in ways that give life, while Satan shows up and takes away life and so much from so many people every day.

We have the opportunity every day to ask ourselves where the crap in our lives is coming from and what are we going to do with it?