Caprice Gardens And Beyond

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by Rena Johnson June 9, 2020 

We are in a major historical moment. We are living, being, believing, hoping, fearing, dreading, anticipating, We are. We just are.

There is so much going on in the world around us and yet for the most part, we are all left alone, each to deal with it in our own way.

In life, as we have always known it, our emotions have been connected to something we could see, or reasonably expect.

Our hope was based on something we could work toward. Our fear led us in the direction of avoidance or maybe courage to face the impending threat whether real or imagined. At least in our own mind, we had a real picture of probables.

Today’s world seems completely void of probables. From one day to the next, nothing is concrete.

Will the count go up or down? Will a new wave hit? Will I get the call today that my loved one has it?

Will the protesters make a change or give up to soon? Will the rioters destroy all hope?

Will the food I buy make my family sick? Will I ever buy anymore? Will the locusts which are currently devastating Africa come here, like the virus did? Will there be any food left? Will the plastic protect the food inside my greenhouse? Will enough people start their own gardens to offset the global crisis? Will God step in and help the meek turn the whole planet into a bountiful harvest?

Will the intense solar flares from the sun take down the grid? Will the world be closer than ever if it does?

Depending on who you talk to, all these things seem possible, but none of them probable.

So much emotion, so much chaos, so much feeling and being, but none of it based on expected future events. All of it based solely on this very moment.

But isn’t that how it should be? Have we all just finally woke up? Have we awakened to our own perception of how the world really is? Can we finally see that our perception is the one thing we should work on first – before any real change can come about?

There is one thing for sure. Probables are no more - only perception and only our own.