• "It's Autumn Jubilee"

    ~Sarah, Gracie and all of the other Capricians

October 17th - 19th, 2024

Join us for part or all 3 days of fun, laughter, sharing, learning, games, music, workshops and of course, awesome food!

October 17th - Thursday “Commitment Celebration”

What is this Commitment Celebration and where did it come from?

October 17, 2017 I decided to throw a huge blowout bash to celebrate my relationship and commitment to the God of my understanding. I figured we all celebrate different things in our lives; birthdays, graduations, holidays, career advancements, retirement, new homes, new babies, weddings, wedding anniversaries, and the list could go on and on. However, I had never really heard of anyone having a blow out party for the most important event we can have in our lives and that is our commitment to God. So I wanted to do it and so I did !! It was phenomenal and one of the most powerful and inspiring things I have ever done in my life. Everyone that came enjoyed it and got something out of it and I got something from each of them in their sharing as well. It was just incredible. I did mine on top of Bell Mountain up in the north Georgia mountains as we watched the sunset across the valley and lake below.

This year. I want to share that incredible experience with all of you and not just the celebration of my relationship with my God, but I want to celebrate your relationship with your God, no matter where you are in that process, even if you haven’t started that process yet. You are more than welcome to come share mine and see what you think.

There will be food, fire rings, lemonade that is out of this world, pumpkin pie, music, dancing, sharing, flowers, gardens, prayer paths, pumpkin patches, and more. We would love for you to come share your experiences with all of us and each other.

We invite anyone of any faith or complete lack there of to come join us and take a walk in the garden. You never know who you might meet there. If you already have a strong relationship and are involved in your own awesome church or other religious organization, please feel free to take part as well. However, we do ask that you only testify at this event of your own personal relationship directly between you and God. We will be handing out name tags if you choose to wear them and you can add your name, phone number, email or anything you would like to add to it. Then as you spend the day talking and sharing with others, we ask that if anyone wishes to talk to you further about your personal beliefs or church or whatever, that you allow them to do a selfie with you and your name tag of course, so they can reach out to you after the event. Then when they attend your church, they will also be able to recognize you and it will make that whole first visit a lot less intimidating or awkward to walk into a place where you do not know anyone. However, at the same time, in coming to this event, you must agree to not try to force your views or opinions on anyone else and only take part in the festivities and do your part to make everyone welcome.

October 18th, 2024 A full day of Mini Workshops on different aspects of Sustainability - the Caprice Way

Sustainable Energy Workshops:

We are going to have mini workshops on a variety of subjects such as sustainable energy like plug and play solar, mini wind turbines, micro-hydro generators, geothermal, biomass and more. We will also include setting up water catchment and filtration systems and how to make it all as efficient as possible. Being self sustaining does not have to be hard or complicated or even time consuming. It can all be very simple if you set it up right to start with and we will show you how.

Same thing with gardening:

We will demonstrate several different methods of gardening and you can see each one in practice, and decide which ones you like better. You will be able to ask questions, get involved and see which ones feel right to you. These will include many variations of raised beds, container gardenings, in ground planting, no till methods and more. We will also talk about natural fertilizing and pest control and how you can do it efficiently and effectively without using any chemicals or pesticides.


You cannot do all of that without some form of composting. But again, it is all far more simple than most people believe, and a lot less smelly if you do it the Caprician way. We will go over all of the different ways we use and reuse material in Caprice to get the full benefit of it all, from compost bins, to teas, to hot and cold composts and even meet some of the little ones that help make all the magic happen. Everyone will also go home with a supply of our very own Blessed Blend of Bunny Honey to get your own garden headed in an even better direction.

Bring on the Pollinators and let them do most of the work for you.

We will also demonstrate how to build and maintain pollinator gardens to draw in beneficial insects to make your garden the most productive and beautiful it can possibly be. From bees to birds to bats and beyond, nature all works together to create harmony and abundance in a way that it was meant to be without causing any harm to the earth, the animals or the people eating the bountiful harvest.

DIY Greenhouse Building Workshop and a FREE greenhouse for one lucky winner:

We will also be demonstrating how to build an effective and efficient greenhouse to help kick start your garden for next year from beginning to end. We will literally be building a small greenhouse during this workshop and it will be all hands on deck to see how it is done from a pile of materials to a walk in ready to use greenhouse. And to top it all off, when it is complete, we will draw names from the participants in this specific workshop and one lucky winner will take home the greenhouse we just built! The only thing required to take part in this workshop is to bring some material to help build it. If interested, let us know and we will send you a material list to choose from.

Sustainable housing demonstrations:

As if building a greenhouse is not enough we will also be demonstrating different types of housing options that are fully self sustaining and easy and fairly inexpensive to build. Owning a home does not have to be a 30 year life sentence tying you down to a huge mortgage payment each month and we will show you some options to prevent that from happening. We will be discussing everything from simple downsizing, to decluttering, to how to build a variety of different houses to accommodate different living goals and desires. We will even be demonstrating earth ships!

Guest Speakers and Demonstrators

We are going to have some incredibly inspiring, and informative people taking part in our workshops and entire weekend of festivities. If you have read the novel “Journey to Caprice” and feel you have a skill, specialty, training or experience in sustainability, please reach out to us and let us know. As we get these confirmed we will make a list of them here.

October 19th, 2024 AUTUMN JUBILEE !!!

If you have read the novel, you know what is about to happen here !!! Food, Fun, Laughter, Pumpkins, Pies, lemonade, and so much more. It will be an absolute feast fit for a King and who knows, you might just meet one there !!! :)

We want to invite all of you to attend all of these festivities with us.

While there is no charge to attend, it is definitely not free either.

Again, if you have read the novel, you know how the Caprician system works. Money is not a factor that plays a role. However, we do all have something to contribute for the greater good of everyone attending.

Would you like to be a demonstrator for a sustainable activity? We are open to any ideas that you have. Basket Weaving, Foraging Guide, Using, Harvesting, Preserving Herbs, Off Grid Cooking, Canning and Pressure Cooking, building hoop houses, bat houses, bird houses, Soap making, candle making, syrup making, anything like that. Do you sing or do sign language, or interpretive dance, or hoola hooping or any of that. Can you teach people to play corn hole or build one to donate for others to enjoy? Would you like to volunteer to get things ready for this event and/or clean up afterwards? Would you like to make some of the food to share during the festival or finger foods for the workshops, etc? Would you like to bring some wood or screws or materials for the greenhouse build?

Everyone has something they can offer to this event and bring something to the table. We invite you to share your ideas with us and make plans to attend now.

Sign up below to attend Autumn Jubilee


We cannot wait to share this journey with you


Sign up below to attend Autumn Jubilee 〰️ We cannot wait to share this journey with you 〰️

If you would like to attend any or all of our Autumn Jubilee Celebration, please fill out the form below.

In the message section, please let us know which days you would like to attend. Also, include any workshop, or activity that you would like to attend, participate in or initiate yourself. We are open to any ideas that are in accordance with Caprician Principles as well. So, if there is another workshop that you would like to see added here or would like to present yourself, please let us know.

If you want to attend Autumn Jubilee, we ask that you bring a dish which is either vegetarian or vegan and please label it as such. We will add a sign up sheet shortly, so that everyone doesn’t bring pumpkin pie or squash casserole - even though we are still open for those at this time. As Lucinda says, we all love squash casserole and Charlie cannot get enough pumpkin pie.

It is highly recommended that everyone read the novel “Journey to Caprice” before attending.

If anything on the page is not clear, I absolutely recommend reading the first novel in the Caprcian Series “Journey to Caprice.”

You can order it in paperback, eBook, Kindle or Kindle Unlimited on amazon by clicking HERE.

It is also available in paperback on Barnes and Noble HERE.