Journey to Caprice is now available on Audible, Amazon Audio and iTunes

Journey to Caprice is now available on Audible, Amazon Audio and iTunes

We are very happy with how the audible verson of this book came out. The British voice actress, Patricia Butler, did an absolutely fantastic job bringing the characters to life and adding a whole new dimension to this incredible God-inspired story.

I invite you to join us on this life enhancing journey into Caprice where you will sit down with Jessie and have a glass of lemonade with God, talk to a huge black bear named Charlie, meet lots of other Capricians and experience sustainability on an entirely new level. Throughout this journey, we explore all that God truly provided for us right here on Earth and in ways that most people never even consider. Our very existance and the lives of everything on earth are tied to it in ways you cannot even imagine, at least not this side of Caprice. Come join us on this incredible journey that will forever inspire you to reach for a better way of life.

Now with the audio version available, you can take this journey while stuck in traffic, working out at the gym or going for a morning run. Speaking of running, we are also running a New Release Promotion for new Audible Subscribers.

If you already have an Audible account, please check out my novel HERE. Depnding on your device and settings, you may have to sign into your Audible account so that it shows as available for purchase or for free using any available credits you may have.

If you do not have an audible account yet, please click on the link below to go there now and choose one of our promotional options, both of which allow you to download Journey to Caprice for free.

Option 1: You can set up a new audible account and use it free for one month, after which time, if you choose to keep the account, you will be charged the regular $14.99 per month.. Each month you keep the account, you will receive 1 free credit that can be used to purchase any book of your choice. When you choose this option you will not be charged anything up front and will be able to listen to my novel for free, then you will have the choice whether to continue your membership or not afterwards.

Option 2: (Recommended for best value): You can set up a new audible account and pay only .99 cents per month for the first three months. You will only be charged .99 cents for the first month and receive my novel Journey to Caprice for free. Then for each of the following months you will receive a credit that you can use to purchase any other book of your choice for free. You can cancel this option at any time. Basically, this option allows you to purchase a book (approx. $19.99 value) for only .99 cents each month. This is definitely the option I would choose. Once you start listening to audible books, it quickly becomes a favorite passtime. No more boring workouts or long drives to work. Imagine laying on the beach, eyes closed, totally relaxed while getting lost in your new favorite book. That is most certianly one of my favorite things to do!

To choose either of these options above just click on your country below. ! Hurry and come on in, the Capricians are waiting !

United States

United Kingdom





Thank you. Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing what you think of this series! Have an awesome day and an even better Journey. :)

I am very honored to have my story featured on FORKS OVER KNIVES. Their program has been and continues to be a huge part of my own personal journey. Please check out the link by clicking HERE. I hope you have an awesome day!