Sourdough and Eternal Life

This is for all of those people that have ever had a sourdough starter. If you haven’t, it might not make a lot of sense. In fact, it might not make a lot of sense even if you have. But I hope it does. These are my thoughts on eternal life today as I work with my starter preparing for some more baking this week.

Sourdough is such a good example of life and time as we understand it in our current state. Sourdough is like everlasting life. As long as it can get air, food, and water (just like us) it will continue to grow, survive and thrive. But if you put a lid on it and seal it off, it will continue to live but will slowly start to die and before long it will be dead. It is not that life was taken out of the world, it was just limited for that one jar. Again, just like us. Once sin was introduced by mankind, that is what happened to us. It was as if a lid was put on each of us here on earth and now we only have so long to live, even in the best of conditions. However, if while the sealed container is still alive, if you take some of it out and put in another jar and start feeding it, but put the lid right back on the old jar, it will still die. But the new starter in the new jar will live on until the lid is put on it and it too will die, but any new starter that was kept from it, will live on. So that is like mankind.

We are all born to live and thrive and do our thing and we have the perfect breath of life within us, but as a whole, we also have the lid on there that is death and we will all eventually die, unless God steps in and opens the lid. Then we too, could live forever, gathering food, water and living yeast (life force) from the world around us.

It is all up to God to give that to us though and He will at His perfect time and we will have everlasting life in His kingdom. It is as simple for Him as lifting the lid off of a sourdough starter is for us. Eternal life is not as difficult of a concept as most people try to make it. To me, its quite simple and so evident in so many things around us every day .. if we just look for it and "consider God in all things".

May you see God alive in your world today and may you know that God does have that power and will in His perfect time, give to his children, eternal life.


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