Caprice Gardens And Beyond

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Welcome to the New Caprice Gardens

Thanks for joining us on this journey. We look forward to sharing it with you.

We keep our newsletters, website and any other correspondence as simple and uncomplicated as possible. There are too many complications already out there in the world. Here in Caprice, we want to separate ourselves from all of that chaos. We want everyone here to enjoy our community as a place of peace, serenity, hope, support, kindness and friendship without any of the other worldly complications. Imagine a world where we could all experience that on a grand scale. That might not be an option in the current world we live in but it can be and here at Caprice Gardens it already is.

Please join in the community by checking out the blog, the barter station, the garden itself, coming to our retreats, meeting us at the markets we attend or catching up with us in any our travels along the way.

In the meantime, remember Caprice Gardens, virtually or in person, is a safe place for everyone. The rules are simple:

Be Kind

Be Courteous

Leave debates of ALL KINDS at the figurative gate. (i.e. politics, religion, or the lack thereof, etc.)

Do not criticize others for their comments, questions or otherwise. If it violates the three rules above, contact us and we will handle it immediately. This is a safe place for EVERYONE. If you are one of God’s creations, then you are welcome here, even if you do not believe the way we do, you are still welcome to share THIS path with us. This journey is NOT about our differences, it is about our commonalities. It is the beginning of a new way of having a community. Try it. You just might like it and if you don’t, you are always free to leave. However, if you are reading this, I suspect you are already on the same path we are. Welcome.